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Steverino ex machina.

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Location: Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Animal Pee

I told you the other day about our kitty-cat's affinity for peeing in a plant. Didn't you read that? Well, here goes, in short. One day, we noticed some dirt spilled out onto the floor from an on-the-floor plant in the bathroom. We wondered if the cat had tried to pee in it and then tried to cover it up. Carolyn confirmed added moisture in the dirt. Some days later, we caught him in the act. He was standing, like a mountain goat on some plant pinnacle, in the pot, peeing right over the side, onto the floor. The pee was a-flowin' on the floor, and he stared at us without emotion as he finished his job. All we could do was laugh. We cleaned it all up, made sure the litter was clean, hoping we'd break a possible habit. A few days later, he did it again. I woke up at 7:45, went into the bathroom, and found dirt on the floor with half-dry pee, and some dirt smudges on the walls where he tried to "clean" his mess. That was it for the plant. It and the pot are on our deck now.
A day or few later, a dog showed up on our step that had only been around maybe 1 or 2 times before. He was a chocolate labrador retriever. Very happy and friendly... overly so, really, kind of like our neighbour's dog which is never at our neighbour's. Anyhoo, I had to close both doors in his face to try and make him think I was gone and that we wanted him to go bye-bye. He stood there, looked around... smelled the pee-plant... and sent a stream of dog piss straight to the centre of the pot. I was rather impressed with the dog's no-look aim.

Ironically, the plant is now turning yellow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I was going to suggest putting pepper in the plant to ward off any future mountain-goat-like posturing from your cat...but it sounds like the dog left the "mark of death" on the poor plant...

(the pepper thing is just something I've read about - have never had to test its validity thank God...)

10:53 pm  

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