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Steverino ex machina.

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Location: Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Sunday, July 17, 2005

It's been a long time since I lived at home. Me mudder has been after me for ages to clean out the stuff in the old room I slept in (my brother can keep his stuff there... he lives "away" now). Anyway... it's dusty in there, dirty, and there's lots of stuff. Stuff like everything from artifacts of old relationships to my old Transformers.

Anyhoo... I started cleaning it one day last week, and was pleasantly surprised. Firstly, I found my old GameBoy! The original! Complete with games, case, and adapter. I thought I'd lost it ages ago, so that was cool. Also, years ago, in the PEI Yellow Pages was an advertisement. I always thought it was funny... like how the laundromat behind Dairy Queen used to be called the "KKK Coin Laundry". KKK? Sheet laundering? So obvious, and so funny. Eventually they renamed it the "Triple K Coin Laundry". Not as bad I guess. At any rate, this ad was similar in its unintentional humour, so I cut it out years ago... and found it again! Enjoy!


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