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Steverino ex machina.

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Location: Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Monday, August 22, 2005


This morning I ate Alpha-bits and was disappointed. Not in the taste, no... but in the selection of letters my bowl held. I poured out a generous helping. Surely, I thought, there must be a cornucopia of letters in there! There must be multiples of every letter (statsitically speaking).
Well, statistics doesn't enter into the Alpha-bits equation, it seems. First, I tried to spell "ding dong". Not a "g" to be found. The letter "n" was also rather scarce. I found one, and the second was a stretched-out "z", I'm sure. Then, in disgust, I tried to spell the f-bomb. No "u", no "k". Just an "f" and a "c" for "f this cereal". I also observed an apparent lack of other letters, like "s", one of the five consonants Pat Sajak just gives away. It's free on TV, but not in my bowl. Get your act together, Post... I want to spell in the morning!

Sketchy Characters


Blogger Tamara said...

Ok, that did cheer me up.

1:21 pm  

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