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Location: Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Party at Tim's!

Boy, it's been a while since I was at Tim & Cheryl's. It may even be a year since I was there. Either way, that's too long to not enjoy the hospitality of a Wartman, right Tim? The music's always pumping or being manually played, liquor's always flowing... unless it's in some jelly form... and there's enough meat to clog the sinuses of an elephant.

It was a nice evening, kind of mellow actually. Not snoozy, just nice and laid-back and semi-boozy for me (damn need to drive home). Maybe since the table died the house has been exorcised of some party demon? Who knows. I haven't seen Billy so drunk in a long while, and have never seen him hit on so many things, period. I think he even hit on Bob (the dog). I think the biggest shock... ok, the only one really... is that T & T are now an item and have been for six months. I thought those two would have been sworn off of one another after watching each others' behaviour at parties over the years. It really is stupefying. I wonder if "Mr. T" has broken the news to Neal yet. I think Tim will always have to play AC/DC's "TNT" at parties now. "They're T-&-T... they're dyno-mite!" Speaking of sing-alongs, I haven't heard so much nostalgia played on a guitar in a long time... Extreme, Motley Crue, Poison... I guess we'll have to thank Shane McGillicuddy for requ... demanding them all.

I think the most interesting thing for me, though, was talking at great lengths with Janice, who I hadn't really seen or talked to in 10 years. It was really interesting to see what she had thought of me (and vice versa), and it makes me wonder what other people used to think of me, and if they'd see me differently now. I think it also solidifies the fact that we'd all probably have a lot more fun with some people from h.s. or university if we'd just hang out, chat, and drink with them. It surprised me how much I surprised her and her notions of "me". I don't know if it made me feel that I may be more interesting than I may think I am, or if I should be concerned that people may have seen me as some "cool twit" or "bland twit", which I don't think I am either. It was cool to exchange knowledge of what's become of people from our grad class in high school, and hear all the surprises. Some were "too bad", some were "cool", and some were "wha?" I also found it really interesting to talk about how we both felt when we met people we used to know on the street or something, and how we'd approach that social situation. I think we were both relieved to hear that we handled it in similar ways. That, being the method of being too shy to make the first move and say "hey", only to feel like a snob later. Anyway, it was a great chat, full of reminiscing, catching up, and story swapping. Hopefully we can continue it at some other party, and hopegully I'll run into more old classmates for such things.

Thanks for throwin' another shindig, Mad Dog! McGillicuddy!
(Note: no, this is not Janice... I think it may be Shane McGillicuddy)


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