Americans are a funny lot. Not necessarily as individuals, but on the whole, as a nation. I've always known this. I am not allowed to forget it, either. Rick Mercer did those great pieces where he'd get some uninformed Yanks to say uninformed things on camera, exposing their uninformedness. Another good example of how slack they can be is the "FoxTrax puck". Remember when Fox played hockey games, and they had to make the puck glow so Americans could see it (maybe this was to appeal to the Bible Belt)? The puck would also change its glow colour when it was shot, almost resembling a comet. As Canadians, we all knew this was stupid.
I was reminded tonight, yet again, of how dense Americans even think they are. I was watching a home improvement show (OK, it was Find & Design), and a guy from Scotland was on it. Every time he'd talk, they would put subtitles on the screen, like he wasn't speaking English. When a show thinks they have to put on subtitles for someone speaking understandable English, you know there's something wrong with your country.
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