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Steverino ex machina.

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Location: Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Friday, February 03, 2006

No this isn't my actual gauze, and that isn't one of my teeth. I just needed the visuals. :)

Well, the deed has been done. I am now lighter, having lost 4 teeth. I went in, a little nervous. I'd never been put under for anything, and I wasn't crazy about the needle in my hand idea. So, I went in just before 8am with my mother-in-law, and after feeling some apprehension before signing my name on the "accidents can happen" sheet, went inside. A nice little gal got me hooked up to about 4 different things, and then tried hooking up the IV. Apparently, I have the crookedest veins she's ever seen. So, it took her two tries. It was a bit of a poke, but nothing serious. As I sat there, one arm strapped down, the other free save for the two things I was hooked up to, the idea flashed through my head, "I'm gonna leave. I don't want to do this that badly." But, as soon as I had the idea it was gone. Mind over matter. I was in good hands, right? She put some salt and water through the IV first, then something to dry my mouth out so I wouldn't be all drooly. After that was the sedative. I felt it almost immediately. Then it was gone. She gave me a bit more, same thing again. Another lady came in, chatted for a second, put a big black thing between my teeth to keep my mouth open, I think I may have gotten some more sedative, and that's the last thing I remember. I think they said it only took like 20 minutes or something to get them all out. I know their roots were all straight, so that must've helped. I only had to get a couple stitches on one side.

I woke up on a bed, in a little nook, with one of the ladies, and my mother-in-law standing nearby. I was groggy, but OK. I don't recall if there was gauze already in my mouth then or not. There must have been. The lady gave my mother-in-law all kinds of instructions, I heard them all, but in my fog, can't recall them all when I try to remember them. We left out a back door, I think... I'm not sure. I was a bit wobbly, but fairly sure-footed. We drove back to my house.

I think I changed the gauze, then went for a snooze. I changed the gauze every hour after a dozing session, until it was around only half blood. I figured it was close enough. It had been more than long enough anyway. I had my meds as I went through the evening, and a couple of smoothees, and I was fine. I was pretty comfortably sleepy 'round the time Survivor came on, but I was feeling OK. No pain at all, except once when I ate. My chin was still frozen 'til late in the evening. There seemed to be no swelling, and no pain. All was good.

This morning, I woke up, and feel fine. I think I may be getting a cold, so I'm taking some Cold-FX for that. That stuff works. I had a chocolate-banana smoothee for breakfast, had my anti-inflammatories, brushed my teeth, did the mouthwash thing, and have been rinsing with my salt water. So far, so good, I'd have to say. I seem to be free of any pain, bruising, or swelling. I have a spot under my chin that's a little tender (he must've used it for a grip or leverage or something), but everything else seems cool so far (knock on wood... drumsticks actually). I hope this continues... I'm feelin' pretty normal! :D

Check this not-so-normal wisdom teeth cartoon out:
(click on the pic)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off - EEWWWW (re: pics). I had two of my wisdom teeth yanked about two years ago - I opted for local freezing instead of anesthesia tho...the one was brutal as he had to dig to get it out - the other was fine it was already partially surfaced.

Anyway - glad all went well and no after-effects!!

9:22 am  

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