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Steverino ex machina.

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Location: Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Shoot me! Shoot me now!

Everyone has those "things", you know? Those things that are just basic facts about themselves or rules they like to follow. Things that just don't get violated or broken. One of my "things" is punctuality. I'm pretty well always on time and usually early. I hate being late. I'd even go so far as to say I consider people who are usually late to just be unreliable and not as with it/professional/responsible as they should be. I've got to be on time, no matter what it is.

Another one of my "things" is that I go to church every week. Whether it be Saturday eve or Sunday, I always go, usually by myself in the last few years. Even though I've had my issues with the religion (as anyone has), over time, going to church has always been something that's been important to me. It's always been there, it's always been a part of my life, and I guess is therefore a pretty big part of me. I just couldn't miss church for anything. I may have missed it once in my whole life.

Imagine my surprise when I opened the church door this evening to see Father Charlie (my favourite and most respected priest) holding up a big ol' wafer, smack dab in the middle of Mass. I was sure church was at 4:30! Apparently, it must've started at 4:00. I arrived at about 4:28, and didn't hear anything as I neared the door. I opened it, and expected not to see anything going on yet, of course. As the door cracked open, I could hear F.C. I figured he must've been making a pre-service announcement (he does that sometimes). Nope. I opened the door all the way, and in action, there he was. And there I was. I instantly became "that guy". One of "those kind of people" who don't have being on time as a "thing". What made it worse is that I must've surprised him. He totally lost his place. We were both instantly stunned by the thing. I thought I could put my tail between my legs, turn around, run away, and come back for the whole thing tomorrow. But it was too late. It was too obvious I was there. I had to go in
and take my lumps. I blessed myself on the way in and took the nearest empty pew. He still couldn't find his place. I knelt down, and he found his spot I'd turned him away from. He blamed it on a "senior moment" (too kind), but I think we all knew what the reason was. It was me.
Egad, that was bad and embarrassing. I never do that. But now, I guess I have.


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