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Steverino ex machina.

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Location: Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Cold Hard Cash.

I've had a cold all week. It's no fun. I've soldiered on, though I don't know why. Lots of kids are sick in school. Maybe I figure nobody'll get whatever I have. Most kids (that are sick) have some kind of flu-thing, with up-chucking. As many as 20% of kids are out on some days this week. I don't have that, which is good, I guess. I still feel like crap, though. Stuffy nose now, tired, weak, aching body, cough, etc. It never fails. I get sick at Christmas (damn you, lower stress / cortisol!).

It's hard to believe Monday is Christmas. I wish it were a month away, so that I could anticipate it longer, and so that we could have some snow with it!

There was an item on the news tonight about a city employee who stole $40, 000 in cold hard cash from the province's largest city. She was a clerk, and pocketed water / sewer payments, etc. I can understand theft, stupid as it may be. What I can't stand (or understand) is her lame excuse. She claimed she stole all the money 'cause she was abused as a child and the rush she got from thievery filled the void left in her from her so-called abusive childhood. Pardon me if it sounds callous, but I don't care if, each night, her mammy belt-whipped her behind the shed twice before bed. Her stealing has got nothing to do with being abused in the past. That's just a stupid lame-o excuse. I hope she enjoys paying back the cash, the 11 1/2 months of house arrest, and the 150 hrs of community service. I like to imagine that the house arrest and hours of service are just for the whack excuse.


Blogger Chunks said...

I've been a little sniffly myself the last couple of days. Just in time for lovely.

12:24 pm  

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