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Steverino ex machina.

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Location: Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Monday, December 18, 2006

OK, it finally came to my mind at a time when I'm sitting here. This is something that's been bugging me for a while, and I've wanted to blog about it. What I'm talking about is bowing. Whether it be celebrities or common-folk (but mostly celebrities), bowing with your hands in front of you - palm to palm - is wrong. They look freakin' stupid and arrogant. Are they trying to look humble? Do they think they look like the friggin' Dalai Lama all humble and gracious and thankful & shit? Well they don't! People sportin' popped collars is bad enough. This is like some freakin' religious identity theft or something. It's even worse than gangsta rappers winning awards and then always thanking "ma Lawd-n-Saviah Jesus Christ" first. Lately, for me, out of all the behaviours that make people look stupid these days, it's bowin' like a freakin' Buddhist when they're not.
Who's to blame? I'm not sure. I'm thinking maybe Madonna. It could also be linked back to the Beastie Boys and their "Free Tibet" stuff years ago. I dunno, but, for now, Madonna is my guess. She acts all humble and gracious and is into freaky casual "Urban Outfitters" religions... like Kabbalah.
I mean, wearing those red bracelets is just the fashion equivalent of Lance Armstrong's "Live Strong" bracelets. But I digress. This whole bowing like a Buddhist bullshit is bullshit and it must stop. So there.


Blogger Chunks said...

Holy cow Steve, you and I ARE a lot alike!! LOL!

1:00 am  

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