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Steverino ex machina.

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Location: Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Thursday, January 25, 2007

My Mrs. just called me out to the living room to see what she believes is a Wheel of Fortune first... and I think she's right - a wee fellow with a designated spinner. I've never seen any "differently abled" person on WoF or any game show for that matter. It's not weird, really... just quite different to have a person on the show with someone to spin for them. It's understandable, though. His arms seem to wiggle like noodles, bending in the middle of the forearm in addition to the regular places. Plus, he seems so small that even if he got up on his belly, on the rail around the wheel, he could fall over and catch an eyelid on a peg. It'd be quite bad if it was already spinning... like a colourful personal tilt-a-whirl-esque centrifuge. With protruding pegs. At any rate, I think he'll probably win. On the one puzzle I saw (17 mins in now), he won regular letter money, $10,000, a trip to the Caribbean, and a trip to Europe for a total haul of over $26,000. Not bad, my little friend. Call me if your spinner hurts her arm. OK, instant update. Dude won, including the final puzzle! Fifty-something thousand in cash and prizes. Nice one!

Speaking of margarine, C brought home some meat pies (best ever) from Clow's as well as some fresh bread. We had no soft butter to go on it, so we had to use margarine. I told her it reminded me of my mom's "ahem" rhyme from her childhood. C said she didn't know what I meant, even though I know I told her it before. No matter, I told it to her again anyway, and will share it with you here as well. This one's special. Gold, I tells ya. Gold! Island history!

Me mother has gone to church.
She told me not to play with you
because you're in the dirt.
And it's not because you're dirty,
and it's not because you're clean.
It's because you gots the whoopin' cough
and eats margarine!


Blogger Steve said...

Like my topic transition up there? I did it just to mess with your heads. How'd I do?

8:46 pm  
Blogger H said...

you crazy PEI-ers. you're so amusing! also I read all those fracking anne of green gables books when I was younger so I pretty much know how you live today. basically.

11:07 pm  
Blogger Chunks said...

I would love to be inside your mind for just one day. Just to see what is going on in there!! I'd bring a Depends undergarment with me, because I believe there would be laughter.

12:20 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dad randomly comes out with that rhyme from time to time, though his version is a little bit different. (being British, and all) Funny to see something like that outside the family context. :)

1:10 pm  

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