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Steverino ex machina.

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Location: Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Friday, February 16, 2007

I was going to post on one thing today, but I'll do two. Or so.

Some guy near Victoria, PEI, is complaining about dirt. You see, since it's cold, and there isn't much snow cover, topsoil from a nearby farmer's field blew around in the wind the other night, and some of it ended up on his property. If you don't experience this where you are, it ends up looking like snowdrifts that resemble wee sand dunes, or that it rained dirt. It does look quite dirty, but hey, what can you do... it's just dirt... blown by the wind! Well, some dink decided he's considering legal action against the province. He says the sand caused "thousands of dollars in damage" to his house, and that the province (due to land laws or lack thereof) is responsible. Thousands of dollars? From naturally-blown sand. Riiiiight. Good luck with that, Captain Stupid. What's next? Suing Captain Highliner for getting salt on your car from the road?

Read the whole story here.

The other thing I'll mention today sort of links back to yesterday, too, and invented words. In short, France offered a statue to Quebec City for its 4ooth birthday. It's basically a cow with caribou antlers... a "Vachibou". Oh, those nutty French. "Pour de 400th anniversaire de Quebec City, let's make un animal qui est formed from deux animals Canadien... le hmm... perhaps a vache... avec a caribou? Ha ha ha! Hon hon hon hon hon! Mais oui! Un Vachibou! C'est parfait! Commencer construction maintentant!" Funny... QC's residents aren't totally taken with it... I guess it's better than a large statue of a grenouille with a beret, anyway.

Read all about it here.

I went to school today, but really shouldn't have. I was miserable most of the day. Tired, aches, chills, sneezes, coughs, runny nose, stuffy nose... I'm not even 100% sure if I'll go to trivia. Just 99%.


Blogger Chunks said...

I think the guy with the dirt is an ass.

I also think the Vachibou is funny and I enjoyed your french accent. I do love a grenouille though!

11:11 pm  

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