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Steverino ex machina.

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Location: Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

There was a little item on the news tonight about a 9-year-old kid in Nouvelle Scotia who was attacked / nearly abducted by some psycho dude. The kid's mom was on, she looked like some strung out druggie mom or something (like on Kids in the Hall, when Bruce was playing the bad convenience store clerk... trying to justify pulling a gun on a customer who wanted a straw - "He had crack eyes. Man, this guy was a crack head!"). But that's not what I'm getting at here. Anyway, every time she'd refer to the assailant, she'd call him "buddy". Isn't that odd? Like, calling someone who injured your child (and almost stole him) buddy? I know it's just an east-coast term for a generic dude, but still. "Buddy was doin' this," and "I hope they catch buddy" and whatnot. It made me think... if The Fugitive was shot in the Maritimes, what would it have been like...? (cue blurring effect and harp music to simulate imagination)

Two other TV things. So, LOST started again tonight, which is great. If C wasn't watching CTV before it came on, though, we'd never have known. Where was the aggressive advertising to herald its return? And now, Survivor makes a quiet comeback (tomorrow is it?), as well as The Amazing Race (a week from Sunday, I think). Boo, Rob and Amber's return.

On American Idol (not exclusive to it, but seems pretty common)... jumpin' Jesus lizards, I cannot stand it when people put a hand up to one ear (or both!) like they've got headphones on in the studio. Why? Why?! WHY?!! Why must you do that? You're not a pro. You're not in the studio. You probably never will be in the studio! What you're doing changes nothing! Put your hands down fucktards.

Even though I don't loathe her, I think I blame this on people watching Christina Aguilera videos. Maybe Mariah Carey, too.


Blogger Chunks said...

In defense of ear-plugging fucktards everywhere, I think they do it so they can hear themselves. If they are singing without a mic, they have no idea what they sound like, until they plug an ear. I know this from my days of basement Karaoke. hahah!

Survivor is the only thing that has kept me going this week. Seriously! And Rob and Amber are going to be on Amazing Race again?! OMG! What whores!

10:10 pm  

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