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Steverino ex machina.

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Location: Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Friday, March 09, 2007

Colleen said...

Well I wish you'd go back to The Festival of Lights! Have you heard of any possible acts coming in, Steve? Nothing too concrete yet. Just lots of discussion. You can see what locals are saying at PEI Talk and PEI Locals. A lot of people are saying RUSH, but I think it's just a local campaign to get 'em instead of people hearing about them actually coming.

Chunks said...

Talk about native vegetation in your area. Is the potato really all that will grow over there? :o)
Actually, from my house, you can't even see any potatoes. In my immediate area, around my house, there are a good selection of pine (white and red), spruce, fir, birch, alders, poplars, maples (Crimson King, Sugar, Manitoba, etc.), etc. Lots of brown-eyed Susans, daisies, wild strawberries and raspberries, grasses, rushes, goldenrod, apple trees, blueberries, Queen Anne's lace (daucus carota), pineapple weed, dandelions, rabbit's foot clover, other clovers, plantains, thyme... lots of variety! Need any more info? :)


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