I'm going to branch off from a post Chunks made yesterday. She was talkin' 80s, and memorable tunes from that decade. When I started thinking about her post, and some memorable tunes, memorable ones of my own - from various decades - came to mind. It's funny how I can peg certain tunes with moments in my life. Sometimes totally mundane moments, but they're inseparably linked in my mind forever.
Neil Young - "Heart of Gold"
Early 80's, sitting in the car on Queen Street, with my folks (and maybe siblings). It was bright outside. Summer. I can remember crawling to the back seat from the front, and this song was on.
The Oakride Boys - "Elvira"
Listening to it at home and in the car, but especially from a TV commercial for a phone-order best-of cassette, vinyl, or 8-track set. I was totally stoked I/we convinced my folks to call and buy it.
Wide Mouth Mason - "Ease Your Mind"
Summer of 2000. Charottetown. Kent Street. Myron's. Watching Shaun sing a gut & heart-wrenching version of this right in front of my face was amplified by the fact that my then girlfriend and I mutually ended our whirlwind summer romance that day. Her going home to Germany was kind of a roadblock. Knowing Shaun, the general situation, and my own parallel event made a deeper connection here, I guess.
Bryan Adams - "Run To You"
1980s. Georgetown. Skating around the dimly-lit grey rink with my classmates. Feelin' pretty fast, and thinkin' of that overhead shot of his guitar sitting in the snow. Great song.
AC/DC - "Who Made Who"
Blasting this from his brother's stereo at Jason's house.
Sam Roberts - "Climb Over Me"
A great musical moment, with perfect lighting. Underneath dangerous lightning and a monstrous downpour. Silhouettes in the fan-and-cone shaped white lights coming from the stage through the rain.
Great Big Sea - "Wave Over Wave"
Rollo Bay Fiddle Fest grounds. Beautiful summery night. A threat of drizzle on a clear, starry night, with tall, swaying evergreens surrounding small, swaying people in a natural, outdoor bowl.
Pointer Sisters - "Neutron Dance"
Having to hang around in the car before going inside the school so that my bro and I could finish listening to this song.
Dire Straits - "Money For Nothin'"
Driving up my road, either from fishing or a scouts meeting.
Michael Jackson - "Thriller"
At my cousin's, in their living room, just after they got the album. I think this is the first album I actually remember coming out / being released. It was huge!
Scads more to tell, maybe even better ones. I want to keep this rather brief, though. I'm tired as heck after a hectic day. The science fair was awesome, though. If more good tune memories come to mind, I'll scratch 'em down for later.
Go read my latest 80s inspired post. I thought about it all day. HA! I am one obsessed Blogger!
I love the life soundtrack that music provides. Viva la tuneage!
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