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Steverino ex machina.

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Location: Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Friday, March 30, 2007

Projekt Findelbaby: Die Babyklappe!

Apparently, this (the Babyklappe) has been around for years, but I'd never heard of it until a staff member mentioned it today. Some countries in the world (she saw it in Germany) have baby drop-offs. That is, if you have a baby, and you don't want it, you can go put your baby in the drop-off box. To be said with teenage sarcasm: "Fine, MOM, I'll go get some milk, drop off the DVD of Look Who's Talking at Jumbo, and while I'm there, I'll drop the baby in the slot. NOOO, I won't mistake it for the Canada Post bin again." Sure, this is way better than abandonment, neglect, or - even worse - murder, but isn't this just making it all the easier to make that fuckin mistake (heh heh) in the first place? Perhaps more prevention than enabling would be in order. All that family heritage, medical history, etc., gone... right into the bin. Still, I guess it's a good idea for some places. For example, in Berlin, 23 babies have been killed by their mothers already this year. So, while it may not be right for, say, Georgetown, it may save some little lives in other places.


Blogger 7sgames said...

thank you for this blog. this project is so very beautiful, it needs to be shared
little pony caretaker

6:32 am  

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