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Steverino ex machina.

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Location: Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The time, she is a-flyin' by! Only 46 days of school left. Not even eight six-day cycles!
This year, I get to go on the end-of-year Halifax trip with the 7/8 class. That'll be fun. But... I could be going on an even better trip next March Break. A co-worker / friend of C's asked if she and I would like to help chaperone an educational trip with her and her hub next March. We'd be going with students on a 1-6 ratio, so we need 24 to sign up for both of us to be able to go (for free, essentially). After the meeting tonight, it doesn't look good for me. Not for free, anyway. Only about 10 kids are signed up so far. If I have to pay my own way, it'd be about $3,200. If I think of it as C and I both getting to go for that price, it's not so bad. Especially considering the trip. It'd be 7 nights, breakfasts and suppers included, planned activities, tour guide the whole way through, all that kind of thing. The location? Vatican City / Rome, Florence, and the French Riviera / Monaco. Maybe Pompeii, too. So, I could get to see things like:

Oh, by the way... pretty much anyone can come. Wanna tag along and help me go for cheap? :D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooh! Steverino! That trip would be excellent. If you do go,I have one piece of advice: when in Rome, try to stick close to nuns when crossing the street. The drivers there are scary, but they all watch out for the nuns!

9:49 pm  
Blogger Chunks said...

My oldest just came home from Italy. Go. Have a garage sale if you have to. Just go.

She brought me back a leaning Tower of Pisa coffee mug. I gotta blog about it.

11:29 pm  
Blogger H said...


12:13 am  

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