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Steverino ex machina.

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Location: Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Monday, July 16, 2007

Have you ever been in a public place and seen someone do something you didn't approve of? I don't mean buying a Hinder CD at Future Shop. I mean something more like a parent being rough with a child, people talking at the movies, or someone mistreating a pet. You know, where you're just dying to say something to them, but you don't, leaving you bothered by the whole thing later. Well, Rob went to buy a can of corn chowder the other day, and experienced a child who was being very cruel and bossy to a parent. In his situation, though, he said something about it... with interesting results. What do you think?

Ever go for a screw under water only to be interrupted by dolphins? Me either, but it seems it's a problem for some.

So. C and I "need" a digital camera. We have an old-fashioned camera that takes good pics (no zoom or anything fancy), and an old digi we were given by my inlaws which has, like, a resolution of 0.04 megapixels. I want something that's a pretty good all-round camera. I'd like something with better than average optical zoom (5 or more), and at least mid-range megapixels (7 or more). I'd like something small and super-slim, but it's not necessary. I'd like to spend in the $200 - $300 range.
Well, I may have myself narrowed down to this one: the Fuji FinePix S700. It's about $284 in town. What do you guys think? Any tips or scoop on a camera you have that's just awesome to use or a site that is reliable, cheap, and great to deal with?

This past week has been busier and more fun than usual (hence my absence). A cousin of mine is hosting/housing a friend from Norway. She was here in 2001 for one year of business, and now she's come back for two weeks+ of PEI fun. We've been out to "The Dublin" this weekend, saw Harry Potter last night (pretty good), gone to trivia, played some games, had some drinks, been to a friends' house... s'been fun! Too bad she has to go back to Norway. It's been nice having another fun couple to do stuff with.

This week should be full of work for us. My dad-in-law helped us (more the other way around, really) install a new vanity thing in our bathroom. Goodbye yellow sink with black tile counter and saggy shelves, hello taller white installation with white sink whose faucet matches other bathroom hardware, pull/slide-out tall side drawers, central cupboard, and a modern counter that matches the bathroom. Nice. Aside from some heavy lifting and cleaning, there wasn't much I had to do. That should change this week. We're fixing a building in our back yard. It's our outdoor storage place (mowers, bikes, chairs, junk, whatever), and is about... 24X16 or something like that. We have to rip off all the old abitibi siding, replace it with foam insulation and new vinyl siding, build a new ramp, get a real overhead garage door, find new or used windows for the building, take the whole entire old roof off, and build a new one. We ordered trusses a few weeks ago, and they should be getting dropped off sometime this week. I'm glad we'll have a nice-looking reno'd building on the property, but I hate having to shell out the bucks for it. It'll probably all cost 3-4 grand. I could think of so many other more fun things to do with that money. Sigh...

On a more positive note, it looks like we may both get to go on that trip to Italy next March Break/Easter for free (except for a couple fees, passport, spending and lunch money every day). Twenty-four kids have to go for it to happen, and 22 are signed up now. Keep your fingers crossed!


Blogger Chunks said...

Go with a Kodak camera. Seriously. I picked one up for my kid for Christmas and it is pretty spiffy. Then hubby picked me one up for Christmas and although it has tons of features, it's a little bulky. I can't remember what the deal was with Fuji, why we didn't get one of those, seems to me it was incompatible with something or other. I am no help, what the hell am I babbling about?!

For 3-4 grand, couldn't you just get a new shed/storage thing?

3:28 pm  
Blogger H said...

Ha... N works at our new downtown arena at the ticket booth and Hinder sold TERRIBLY. She sold about two tickets among all her shifts. She was offered comp tickets (just paying the ticket fee) but had no takers... obviously.

Also, I almost smothered a man at our beautiful downtown library today. I enjoy reading free magazines in their little magazine area and I have no problem with people taking a snooze in between doing the same in their comfy chairs, but snoring (and loud breathing) makes me emo.

11:27 pm  

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