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Steverino ex machina.

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Location: Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Oh, the train wreck with an endless amount of inertia that is Britney Spears. I read this the other day and thought it was pretty funny. I'll sum it up for you to save you the bother. One of her bodyguards assaulted a photographer. Her bodyguard's last name is Camera. It was meant to happen! How could she not notice that when she hired him? Then again, she did just sit and watch as her dog crapped on a designer dress on that recent OK! photoshoot.

The poor dear is also on the fast track to Minelliville. Once the transformation is complete, the only differences will be that Liza will be thinner, more tanned, and not have stick-outie ears.


Blogger Chunks said...

LMAO!!!!! Minelliville!!!! That is so funny!

What about those shiteous hair extensions?! Girl looks like she got the wig from a San Francisco store on the morning of Halloween!

7:56 pm  

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