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Steverino ex machina.

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Location: Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Sunday, September 30, 2007

(Me, bogarting the last smokin' candle. No, I don't smoke.)

Age - my own, that is - never really matters to me. I'm just as old as I am, and don't really notice any change from one day to the next. That's why, agewise, I don't get worked up over birthdays. I'm only a day older than the day before, so what's the big deal, you know?

Yesterday's birthday was more of a milestone than most, though. 30. The big three-o. Gone are the youthful 20s forever. Now I'm just 10 years from 40! The first time I thought that, I was a little taken aback. I mean... it's only 15 years, and then it's the Kids In The Hall skit, "He's Hip, He's Cool, He's 45". Still, I didn't think this one would phase me a whole lot. However, when I was opening my presents yesterday morning, I felt it a bit.

C did all my presents (from her and her side of the fam) in an ottoman box, wrapped in a blanket, covered with 30 bows. While opening this, to get to open the prezzies inside, I, for some reason, decided to count the ribbons as I went. Like a counting-up countdown. One, two, three... no problem. Ah, youth. Then, stuff like thirteen - Grade 8. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Was it really so far back? Sixteen - when I got my license... was it that long ago? Nineteen, twenty... there's so many ribbons left! How many can there be?! Twenty-four, twenty-five... sweet baby Jesus, there are still more! I've been around forever! What am I, Methuselah? Twenty-nine, thirty. (Nervous internal laughter) Thirty. O... K, let's... get to those presents (more nervous internal laughter and shock).

I'm OK with it now. I'm no different than I was on Friday. I just see it as another excuse for my gray hairs (the ones I have left).

So... what did I rake in? Here's the tally!

A bunch of b-day wishes on Facebook - thanks, peeps!

Kanye West's new CD, Graduation

The lastest from Bedouin Soundclash, Street Gospels

Fillin' a hole in my physical collection, Queen's Greatest Hits

Stax 50th Anniversary Collection (heh, they're way older than me) double CD.

Walt Disney on the Front Lines DVD. Cartoon propaganda from the war years. Neat, once-rare stuff.

Autographed copy of Daniel Lanois' Acadie.

Maple Music-exclusive Joel Plaskett "Snowed In" T-shirt. Above is the front, below is the back.

The Best of Sam & Dave CD.

A collection of foreign beers to sample. Plus a dozen Heineken.

A cool C'MON T-shirt. It's not the one on the site / the one I thought I may get, but I like it all the same.

The new C'MON CD, Bottled Lightning (of an All-time High). It goes by quickly, but this not-available-in-most-stores CD kicks ass.

Cool note that came with the above two orders. I love getting stuff from DIY musicians.

Northey Valenzuela, by Craig Northey and Jesse Valenzuela. Me like Craig Northey. Did I mention he emailed me twice on Friday? I saw him in concert with Colin James on Thursday. More on that in another post later.

My first concert souvenir / music T from my first real concert, way back in the day. Parts of the shirt were starting to yellow and fray, so C framed it up nice for me, since I can't wear it anymore (the silkscreen was always crooked).

Mom-cooked supper on Sunday, and on Saturday, a wee birthday cake for two!

Me blowing out the tea light on the wee b-day cake. I've thought I could just do it before, but now, I think I'm actually starting to naturally resemble Morn from Star Trek: The Next Generation. As a side note, that show turned 20 this past week. Now that may even make you feel old, too.

Also, a little choco-p.b. treat, some choco-mocha dessert sauce, and indie-type music mag, some cards, $25 for F. Shop, and some extra cash!

And, of course, the best one of all: a picture my niece did for me.

There you have it! My haul-y 3-0! Lots of musical things. C'est bon. They like me! They really like me!


Blogger familyman said...

Hey Steve,

Meant to send you a facebook greeting.

Happy belated birthday. Nothing Mexican among those gifts? I would have expected a Pinata or two.


9:07 am  
Blogger Chunks said...

Happy Belated Birthday Steverino!! Glad to see you got lots of tunage for the old 3-0.

I'm a year and a month away from 4-0. It's just wrong, I tell ya. LOL!

5:28 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chunks is older than me!! Chunks is older than me!!!

Na na na na na na!!!!!

See Steve, age (and maturity) is only a state of mind...

Nice haul for your 3-0!!

4:27 pm  

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