At home, in the evenings, I'm drinking a bit more beer than normal lately. Normal being hardly ever, any increase would be pretty much more than normal. No real (stress-related) reason, I just like it. You see, I had some beers saved up from my birthday as well as a recent trip C took to the mainland. I like getting different international beers and trying them out. Lately I've been testing everything from stuff with floaties at the bottom (so, technically, sinkies, I guess), stuff made in abbeys by monks / trappist beers, stuff in large bottles, cans, reds, pales, whatever. Tonight I'm drinking a beer that's been painted by Manet & Picasso, loved by Napolean, served on the Titanic, and taken on the Antarctic expedition by Sir Ernest Shakelton. Since it was first brewed in 1777, it's become, apparently, the UK's #1 beer export, selling in over 30 countries. It's Bass. And it's good. That is all. For (hic!) now.
I'm a Coors Lite girl. No floaties. No sinkies, either. (That made me laugh!)
As long as we don't have to send you to rehab, keep testing them!
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