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Steverino ex machina.

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Location: Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I love the humour that can be found in words & language. A seasonal example? During French class last night, I asked the teacher what eggnog would be (I've never thought to check the carton at home). She said she just calls it eggnog (but with an accent, of course), but also thought there was another name for it. Sure enough, she found it (and I verified it in my fridge when I got home). Eggnog, in French, is "lait de poule". Translated directly, it's "chicken milk". All I can think of is tiny little milking machines hooked up to chickens, or people pulling wee little chicken teats. Hmm. That could be a new KFC side order. Popcorn chicken too big for you? Try some chicken teats.


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