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Steverino ex machina.

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Location: Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The latest book I went through was Drew Carey's "Dirty Jokes and Beer". The first part of it is fine & dandy. The last part of it is a collection of short stories Carey did. I couldn't get through them. They just didn't interest me at all (which seems to be most fiction books, lately). In the aforementioned dandy section, though, there was one wee chapter devoted to 101 big dick jokes. There are some real gems in there... like #s 1, 10, 32... oh, but why just tell you about them? You can make up your own mind. Here they are, for your viewing pleasure, in their entirety:

1. My dick is so big, there's still snow on it in the summertime. (John Caponera)

99. My dick is so big, it charges money for its autograph.

100. My dick is so big, it has an agent. My dick's people will call your people. Let's have lunch with my dick.

101. My dick is so big, it's right behind you.


Blogger Rox said...


It has an opening act! Love it!

12:18 am  

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