I was just reading this article on how beer sales in Canada (still topping 8 billion) are dropping, while wine sales are on the rise. They broke it down, province-by-province (territories, too), and showed how much money each province spends on beer. They showed wine, too, but who cares. It's Canada. As much as those central Canadian weenies seem to like their wine, I'm going to focus on beer. So... I went to Wikipedia, looked up the populations, and figured out how much each area spends on beer per capita. It'd be better if I could figure it out per drinking age person, but this is ambitious enough. I wasn't about to go scouring Statscan to find out how many in each province were drinking age. So... the results?
The full list:
NL - $353.99, PEI - $251.71, NB - $293.00, NS - $291.09, PQ - $297.44, ON - $225.47, MB - $204.45, SK - $235.53, AB - $252.11, BC - $252.86, YK - $480.01, NT - $106.74, NU - $436.92
Canada - $253.04
Several things in these results are suprising:
- NB and NS spend more on beer than PE? I guess we just drink more hard liquor.
- MB drinks less beer than pansy ON? Weird.
- What the heck is going on with NT? YK is ridiculously drunk, and NU isn't far behind, but why so dry in NT?
Anything stick out for you? I think I'll make some sausages, and have a Heineken.
Is prohibition going on in some of these places?! Oy!
I try to balance my beer and my wine drinking. Beer in the spring and summer, wine in the fall and winter. :)
Pansy Ontario?! WTF?
I don't drink beer so maybe you DO have a point.
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