Happy Christmas, bloggerinos!
I'm stuffed!
I hope you're having a most excellent Ed Grimley day, I must say.
Lots of goodies to report on. I'll do a better job later (with pics), but, in brief:
The complete Planet Earth / Blue Planet DVD series.
TPB - Season 6 DVDs, Calendar
Buck 65 - Situation
Craig Northey - Giddy Up
Stripper's Union - Local 518
Jenny Lewis with The Watson Twins - Rabbit Fur Coat
Joel Plaskett - In Need of Medical Attention
Robert Plant & Alison Krauss - Raising Sand
Foo Fighters - Echoes, Silence, Patience, & Grace
A Joyful Sound (one of dad's choirs) - The Joyful Sounds of Christmas
Some arty supply stuff (water colour pencils, brushes, sketchbook, info books, pencils, etc.)
Framed design of the back of my House of Blues T-Shirt I can't wear anymore
Book of quotes
Emergency light / flashlight / hallway lights
A few new board / social games
This and that
6 Blue, 6 Rickard's, 11 International / Specialty beers
A couple / few gift cards / cert's
Two shmooth-lookin' Wilco shirts. A little snug, perhaps (especially one) but maybe that'll be motivation to drop some poundage.
I am full of food and need a foolishly large beer.
I'm stuffed!
I hope you're having a most excellent Ed Grimley day, I must say.
Lots of goodies to report on. I'll do a better job later (with pics), but, in brief:
The complete Planet Earth / Blue Planet DVD series.
TPB - Season 6 DVDs, Calendar
Buck 65 - Situation
Craig Northey - Giddy Up
Stripper's Union - Local 518
Jenny Lewis with The Watson Twins - Rabbit Fur Coat
Joel Plaskett - In Need of Medical Attention
Robert Plant & Alison Krauss - Raising Sand
Foo Fighters - Echoes, Silence, Patience, & Grace
A Joyful Sound (one of dad's choirs) - The Joyful Sounds of Christmas
Some arty supply stuff (water colour pencils, brushes, sketchbook, info books, pencils, etc.)
Framed design of the back of my House of Blues T-Shirt I can't wear anymore
Book of quotes
Emergency light / flashlight / hallway lights
A few new board / social games
This and that
6 Blue, 6 Rickard's, 11 International / Specialty beers
A couple / few gift cards / cert's
Two shmooth-lookin' Wilco shirts. A little snug, perhaps (especially one) but maybe that'll be motivation to drop some poundage.
I am full of food and need a foolishly large beer.